-a neurological journey guided by Tommy Støckel, uncovering cerebral hemisphere-related creativity, cortex-conditioned intelligence and suggesting ways of further development of the human brain.

Every thought, every emotion and every single one of our actions are controlled by the large number of nerve cells we call the brain. Our brain works constantly to keep us warm, moving and breathing. It makes it possible for us to percieve the surrounding world and to express ourselves in it. The brain is the only human organ we still fail to transplant or replace successfully. And even though we are approaching a future where biological computers might support our own inborn "computer" it is still the only one we have, and the one we must gain as much knowledge about as possible in order to utilize its vast potentials.

It is difficult to say when mankind first started to find interest in the brain and how its functions are highly influencial on the well-being of our entire organism, but to give an idea of how long the investigation has been going on, we can take a look at sculls at least 10,000 year old with unusual holes in them. It is asumed that these holes were made intentionally with some belief that the head or brain had importance for the health and well-being of the body. But even though mankind has been occupied with the matter for up to 10,000 years, trying to work out the mystery of the human brain and hopefully stating that it is the most developed of all species, its functions, capacities and possibilities have not yet been fully revealed to us.

We are still to determine the actual difference between the physionomy of the human brain and the brains of the animals that we seem to have risen above during our climb up the evolutionary ladder, specifically the evolution of the brain: Can Homo sapiens be determined to be the "animal" of the highest intellect? Or is this only a strictly human view, based on the idea that intelligence means being able to develop technical devices, to compensate for a lack of whatever ability nature left us without.

There is no doubt we as human beings with right can define ourselves as outstanding in the nature of the planet Earth, sometimes we might even seem to have stepped outside of nature. But whether the increasingly changing of our surrounding environment and creating cultural products in a way yet unseen at any other species, such as houses, vehicles and audio-visual communication, are conditioned by an especially well developed creativity and inventivenes that creates these differences, or if it is a matter of a superior intelligence, is hard to say. Only one thing is for sure: It is our brain that makes the difference.

Did you know... about brains?